& Vision
Parker District Fire Department exists to provide a high level of safety to the citizens and visitors within our service area. This is accomplished through emergency response, education, and prevention.
Parker District Fire Department will provide exceptional services through organizational teamwork to promote an innovative, responsive, and professional standard that adapts within our ever-changing environment. This shall be accomplished by establishing and maintaining a high standard for both current and new employees; seeking out innovative ideas and empowering employees to provide the highest level of service possible.
As the graph below indicates, the call volume for fire and rescue services in the Parker District continues to increase as our community grows. — We are thankful to be a part of a community that empowers us to serve as we do!
Around the turn of the 20th Century, many changes came to the Greenville area. The textile industry was alive and doing quite well bringing jobs to the people of the area and to the ones who where beginning to settle here in hopes of finding work. A need to educate the people was evident, so in 1922, the local mill executives petitioned the State Legislature to enable them to form the “Parker School District” named after Thomas F. Parker. This is how we received the name Parker District. A series of events that would take place next could best be described as fortuitous. As the need of water and sewer services were becoming problematic, the state Legislators voted on March 3rd, 1931 to create the Parker Water and Sewer Sub-District.
As you may know with every problem solved another will arise to take its place. Again the people of Parker District found themselves in need, but this time it was for protection. The days of the Parker District Fire Department were about to begin. On November 3rd 1942 a Mack pumper was delivered. Without a station, the truck would be housed in a red warehouse across from Parker High School. This would have to do until the station on Cedar Lane Road could be built. On January 7th, 1943 the plans for a new station were submitted as well as naming the first Chief, Clinton M. Hunter. As you can only imagine, Chief Hunter had his work cut out for him. After two weeks at the helm, Chief Hunter hired the first driver for the fire truck, R.L.Wilbanks. I find it important to name these two men, because they were the first that would become part of a great brotherhood. Without question their goals were the same as ours today, and that is to protect the people of the District.
Parker has gone through many changes since the days of the Mack truck and the red building across from Parker High School. Many Chiefs have come and left their mark as well as the men who have proudly served this community. The Fire Department now operates four stations, a training center, and a modern fleet of apparatus. The one thing that still remains the same decade after decade is the pride the District still has for a job well done.